Early Years Foundation Stage
Learning Through Play
We follow a broad and balanced curriculum in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), through adult-led and child-initiated activities. Below are the areas of learning covered by the EYFS and some of our day-to-day activities which help your child's development.
We use Tapestry, an easy-to-use and secure online learning journal which helps staff and families celebrate their children’s learning and development. Find out more about Tapestry.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Role play, group discussions and circle time, sharing equipment, making friends and social occasions like snack time.
Communication and Language
Sharing books & stories, discussion in groups, and one to one, singing and music.
Physical Development
Action rhymes, climbing, dancing, using toys and equipment, riding bikes, and health and hygiene.
Reading, drawing, writing, name recognition and letter sounds.
Puzzles, counting rhymes, number games, construction and playing with 2D and 3D shapes.
Understanding the World
Books, discussion, small world play, ICT, festivals and celebrations.
Expressive Arts &Â Design
Painting, drawing, gluing, play dough, role play and musical instruments.
...and much more!
These are only a few examples of the activities in which the children learn through play!